Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reynolds~ 5 months!

Well folks, Reynolds is now 5 months old as of last Thursday! I can't believe how the time is flying but we're having so much fun with her. She is just getting to the age where she thinks everything we do is the funniest thing she's ever seen! :) And I'm sure we make complete fools of ourselves, but oh the things we will do to see that sweet smile.

So after Reynolds' 4 month checkup, the doctor cleared us to start on solid food. I was a little hesitant at first, mainly since she was a preemie and she's been a little behind on other milestones. So we waited another 2 weeks before introducing her to oatmeal. I will say she didn't get all these rolls naturally; this girl loves to eat! She's always been a good eater but when she tried oatmeal for the first time, it was love at first bite, haha!

1st solid food~ December 23, 2012

So after a few weeks of oatmeal, we decided it was time to let her try some baby food. She started out with sweet potatoes, which she loved, but I think she had a mild allergic reaction to them. So we stopped everything except for oatmeal for another week or so.

We started back with bananas after that and she's never looked back, obvious by the rolls. ;) Her current favorites are green beans and carrots and she also likes apples. Bananas are okay but this girl really loves her veggies! Yay for MR!

Other happenings this past month - she finally rolled over! She first did this when she was 20 weeks old (from her back to tummy) and she's still only done it once. She will roll from her belly to back now though so I know it will only be a few more months before we have a mobile baby in the house! Yikes!

She is also really into her jumperoo that she got for Christmas (thanks Nana!). Even though her feet don't yet reach the ground, she loves to be in it, as long as it's in front of the t.v. I'm really not one of these moms who just puts her baby in front of the t.v. but Reynolds is fascinated by it. If she is in the room and the t.v. is on, she watches it, no matter what's showing.

And finally,we are so blessed with a baby who LOVES to sleep! The first night she "slept through the night" was after the Texas A&M game in November. I think that game just took so much out of her that she needed extra sleep... and she's never looked back. During the week she gets about 11 hours/ night. I usually lay her down between 8 and 8:30 and wake her up at 7. On the weekend though, she will usually sleep until 9ish, which is pretty fantastic for us! She definitely takes after her momma in this aspect. :)

Now for the monthly photos of our sweet Reynolds! (sorry for picture overload)

This last picture cracks me up! I feel like she and Teddy are having a very important convo. :)

Well that's Reynolds at a glance at 5 months old... Happy Tuesday y'all! :)

Oh, and Roll Tide after that b'ball victory over Kentucky!