Monday, March 21, 2011

There's a first time for everything...

Yes, that quote is for all of you Little Texas fans out there! I finally bit the bullet and started a house blog. I've been following several for a while now, and thought one day, well maybe I should try this. It seems like most people start one when they've just moved into a new house as a way to show all the progress they've made. Maybe it's completely remodeling a kitchen, changing the floorplan, updating bathrooms, etc... or just putting your personal touch on your new place.

Well my husband and I have been living in our cute little 50s bungalow for almost 4 years now, but we've only recently started really putting our personal touch throughout. We haven't endured any major renovations, mainly because we don't want to throw too much money in it since we would not really benefit from it when we decide to sell- you've probably heard this whole "bad economy" buzz. But we have done minor projects that have had a big effect. I'm going to have to work backwards for a while to get you up to speed on how our little casa looked when we moved in (yes you will notice in the pics that the kitchen is an ugly grey/blue-  on the walls AND ceiling) and what it looks like today. It really has come a long way and we're excited about the progress we've made!

Stay tuned for the before pics!

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